
rami Studio

Volkertplatz 15

1020 Vienna

tel:+43 660 1539 586


Full company name: Teranokat OG

Owners: Teresa Dolezal, Katherine Thompson, Anouk Siedler

Address: Lerchenfelder Straße, 94-98 TOP 5, 1080 VIENNA

Phone: +43 660 1539 586

Legal form: OG

Commercial Register Number: FN489395 z

Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court of Vienna

UID number: ATU 73282379

Basic direction of the website: This website presents information about services and products of the company.

Business purpose: Rental of movable objects (rental of equipment and machines for clay processing) and trade in ceramic supplies and art

Membership in Chamber Organization: Vienna Chamber of Commerce

Authority: Municipal District Office for the 2nd District of Vienna

Trade or professional regulations: Austrian Trade Code

©Teranokat 2018

Responsible for content and design: Teresa Doležal, Katherine Thompson, Anouk Siedler

Here you can find our General Terms and Conditions and here our privacy policy