How our firing service works

In our studio, we can also fire clays and glazes from outside our studio.

To avoid damage to your pieces and our kilns, we ask you to always fire a test piece beforehand and to observe the firing temperatures. We always need firing temperature recommendations for the clays. Without the necessary information, we do not fire your goods.

We always try to fill the kilns quickly, but we must point out that in times of high demand it can take longer (3 weeks or more) until the ceramics are ready for collection.

Firing temperatures:
950° & 1230°

Price for ceramics made in the studio:
6.5€ per kilo per firing

Price for ceramics made outside the studio:
12.5€ per kilo per firing – the minimum fee for externally brought pieces is 12.5€

oven rental
80L oven: 95 € per firing
145L oven: 125€ per firing
250L oven: 205€ per firing

If our kilns are damaged by previously untested clays and glazes, the following costs will apply:

Damaged fire plate – 25€ for cleaning
Broken fire plate – up to 100€ depending on the plate size
Damage inside the ovens – up to 300€ or more depending on the damage